Chapter Structure
Executive Committee
Anti-Imperialism Committee
Our chapter is democratically run, meaning we are facilitated, funded, and led by our membership. To ensure that our work proceeds effectively, the responsibilities are dispersed into several chapter formations. The specific details of this structure are elaborated upon in our bylaws, and this organizational chart illustrates the basic operations visually.
Our annual General Meetings set the stage for our work for the next year, as we elect the Executive Committee and chairs for other committees while assessing our direction. These committee chairs (including on the Executive Committee) may only serve for two consecutive full terms per position. Throughout the year, our biweekly Regular Meetings serve as the operating legislative body of the chapter, where we discuss our work and make decisions as an organization.
During these meetings, elected committee chairs are responsible for reporting on the committee’s activities to the general membership. These committees are tasked with the responsibilities and functions that the chapter details, and can be permanent Standing Committees or temporary Special Committees. Committees can be created through a proposal to the Executive Committee with a majority vote in support during a Regular or General Meeting.
The Executive Committee itself is made up of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and At-large Officer. The Chair oversees daily operations, facilitates collaboration between political work, and acts as a point of contact for the public. The Vice Chair is responsible for engaging the community, and helps welcome new members. The Secretary keeps up with correspondence, minutes, and a current membership list of the chapter. The Treasurer takes care of financial records and funding, ensuring that the dues and budget are up-to-date. The At-large Officer assists with executive functions of the chapter as necessary.
Besides the committees, our chapter also has caucuses, which can be defined around geography, work site, constituency, function, or area of political work. These need to be approved by the Executive Committee, and are otherwise self-governed. If a caucus is established on a college campus or consists of students, it will be called a Local Chapter Youth Section.
We also have Immediate Action Groups, which exist for a limited and explicitly defined span of time. They can be established by a majority vote of members at a Regular Meeting, and must keep membership up to date on their activities during meetings that follow.
The Executive Committee establishes program activities, sets the agendas for Regular Meetings, and helps coordinate work across other committees as guided by our membership. If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations, please email to get in touch with us.
Slack: #committee-anti-imperialism
Communications Committee
Electoral Committee
Slack: #committee-electoral-2024
Engagement Committee
Slack: #committee-engagement
Labor Committee
Slack: #committee-labor
Mutual Aid Committee
Slack: #committee-mutual-aid
Political Education Committee
Slack: #books-media-n-more